Wednesday, September 25, 2013

so going to make this

These Lady Have awesome Ideas

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Halloween is one of my Favorite holidays here some of my costumes I make These are of my best sellers it comes in  sizes 
0-3 months
3-6 months
6-9 months
12 months
18 months and 24 months they do run small  Prices as of 2013
                                                          BUBBLE BEE  $ 35.00

                                                                  Mermaid $40.00
                                                              Tinker Bell $ 35.00
                                          Dracula Onesie ( Pants not included) $40.00
                                                                     Frankie $30.00
                                                                      Pumpkin $40  Please email me or message me on facebook   Or

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Man’s Pioneer style shirt

Man’s Pioneer style shirt


2 mans white long sleeve shirts ( 1 that fits and one that is 2 -3 sizes larger )

White thread


and fabric marker

1/4 inch elastic (for gathered cuff)

Step 1.First remove the pocket's from both shirts, then  Lay both shirts flat on a the table on top of each other

the larger on the bottom the one that fits on top

Step 2 . Start marking the shirts you are going to make a yoke

Step 3. Marking from the edge of the sleeve mark 4 ½ inches then straight down 8 inches and in between the 1 and 2 button your making a rounded yoke

Step 4. Cut shirts
Step 5. Keep the yoke part of the smaller shirt (top part) and the bottom have of the larger shirt (throw away the parts your not going to use so you don’t get confused)

Step 6. With the larger shirt sew a gather stitch at the top about 5/8 seam allowance.

Step 7. Gather it and pin it right sides to right sides to he top yoke 5/8 seam allowance .

Step 8. Sew them together them serge or zigzag raw edges


 Step 9. top stitch the seam flat pointing up
Step 10. Cut cuff off sleeves then zigzag raw edges and sew the opening together just top stitching, then press down ½ inch

sew leaving 2 inches opening for elastic (measure wrist of the man or boy who will be wearing it to know how much to cut)

Step 11. sew cuff and insert elastic and there you have your Man’s Pioneer style shirt