Olaf Snowman $40.00 shipping included shipped 2-3 priority
Newborn- up to 8 lb (Carter)
0-3 Months up to 10 ( carter)
3 to 6 month- 8-12 lb (Carter)
6-12 months(Carter)
6 to 9 months- 12-16 lb Gerber
12 months-16-20 lb (Carter)
18 Months -28- 30 lb(Carter)
24 months-30-32 lb (Carter)
This might help with sizes for beanies they are made with knit an have a stretch to them
3-months 14-3/4 in to 16-3/4 in
6-months 16-171/2 in
9-months 16-1/2-18 in
12-months 17-18 1/2 in
18 months 17 3/4-19 in
24 months 18-20 in
I guarantee my work fill free to email me any questions
lisaloveland8090@yahoo.com Look for the buy now button and click on main page
$ 40.00 shipping included shipped 2-3 *Bubble bee $40.00 shipping included shipped 2-3 priority
This is a super cute Bee is custom made for boys or girls. Dyed yellow onesie long sleeves with rick rack stripes, wings made from black netting and satin stinger comes with black beanie with antennas made to order comes in the following sizes NOTE( they do run small)
3 to 6 month
6 to 9 months
12 months
18 Months
24 months.
Bubble bee $40.00 shipping included shipped 2-3 priorityCostume will be mailed with in 3-5 days from ordering . I guarantee my work fill free to email me any questions lisaloveland8090@yahoo.com Look for the buy now button and click on main page
Tinker bell $45.00 shipping included shipped 2-3 priority
This super cute Costume is made with a white long sleeve Onesie with line green fabric and line green tulle skirt with glitter tulle for leafs elastic waist and glitter line green wings.costume made to order and comes with in the following sizes Note( runs small)
3 to 6 month
6 to 9 months
12 months
18 Months
24 months.
Costume will be mailed with in 3-5 days from ordering . Thanks, happy to make any adjustments email any Question Look for the buy now button and click on main page
shipping included shipped 2-3 priority
Costume will be mailed with in 3-5 days from ordering . I guarantee my work fill free to email me any questions lisaloveland8090@yahoo.com
More costumes to come